A magnetic holographic creation
Earth is a magnetic creation. In magnetic holographic flow, all parts are included within
the whole and have their own function, purpose and position. The magnetic currents within
holographic flow will make you align with the whole and take up your position quite naturally.
Within such flow all parts are conscious and in connection with creator consciousness that
knows what is going on in its own creation. Since the lawless souls in this creation
mechanized connections to physicality so they would not have to project into it
consciously, they created a minor level of distortion at first. This led to greater and
greater levels of distortion, and finally to disastrous levels of distortion.
We call them electromagnetism, electricity and radioactivity.
Electromagnetic consciousness in relation to a physical body wants to have open
connections with the whole world and embrace everyone, but is frustrated by the machines
around the physical body that prevent holographic connection to the non-physical.
As soon as you want to open your heart, you find you cannot because the flow is
blocked. You want to feel and connect, but get beaten up when you do because you are
surrounded by mechanized people. You remember love and wholeness and know that this
is not what you experience! So you may feel betrayed, a victim to the distorted
consciousness, injustice and cruelty around you that takes your energy. Perhaps you
accept this and make the best of it.
Electromagnetic bodies on the physical plane often operate from their light side
and deny that they have a dark side too. These players want equality, they want all
others around them to take responsibility for their tasks. They can see the talents of
others and are in touch with the group consciousness and energy flows, but will encounter
the leech or energy vampire in their groups time and again. This is actually their
own shadow mirrored back to them but they will not recognize it at first.
Frustration in an electromagnetic system may lead to further distortion in consciousness.
You may drop to the next level, which is electricity.
Electrical currents are straight lines and mechanized. They are aimed at their targets
and do not really mind piercing rotational magnetic or electromagnetic energy flows.
Electricity separates or intrudes flow and consciousness. On the physical plane electrical
bodies are rigid and not sensitive at all to magnetic flow.
Electrical consciousness wants to define rules and measures that everybody should stick to,
and wants to punish those that do not abide by the laws they agree to. Within holographic
law there are natural magnetic currents that will push each part of creation into its
own position. But electrical consciousness defines rigid mechanized laws without
consciousness, without sensing group flow. This is why accidents will happen on the
physical plane. The magnetic currents in holographic flow to prevent this are cut
and divided by electrical currents.
Electrical bodies or fragments on the physical plane have fractured into a polarized
consciousness that attunes to master-slave scripts. They divide other people and groups
into good and bad, friends or enemies.
This consciousness wants to praise and reward those who do well, and punish those who
do not contribute as they should. Electrical people will blackmail you emotionally,
mentally or any other way to make you contribute more and do what is expected if you.
This consciousness divided the whole world into small segments that are labelled,
so all has a proper place of its own, all can be accounted for, compared, and seems
to be under control. Labels also allow for comparison, competition and status.
Since electrical consciousness is separated from the whole, it will seek to play roles,
wear masks and feel very lost without them. Outward appearance becomes more important
when you feel your own true colours are lost in your energy flows. Energetically you
will feel threatened and seek to band together with others who seem to be like you.
This is the most distorted and consuming consciousness of all. It radiates in all
directions, claims, incorporates, dominates, combusts, overwhelms and operates from
totally parasitic thought form.
The physical bodies in relation to this consciousness operate on akashic records with
distorted programming to consume and strip. Other people, animals, plants and trees and
the whole of earth are yours to be possessed and consumed. This consciousness will own
others and use all the tricks available for manipulation and seduction from the
unconscious, their own shadow.
This consciousness has fallen so low in vibration that it attunes to guru-follower-scripts.
They will divide the world into winners and losers, those with vision and those without
vision. The consciousness involved is polarized to an even greater extreme than
electricity. This level of rigidity and mechanization in thought form is called
dogma. In dogma, nobody questions the guru, holy script, or the abuse of physical
bodies and planes. Vibrations of dogma allow for murder and great dishonour in the
name of a truth that never changes and is worth dying for.
On the physical plane this consciousness relates most to imperialist people who feel
they have a natural birth right to find other worlds or people that they can exploit.
Gurus add people to their flock. Business organizations find cheap employees abroad.
Radioactive political leaders believe the natural world is actually there for them to
exploit and consume. They really have no connection in consciousness to those who honour
physicality and nature.
Many players in the game recognize this level of consciousness in others and not in
themselves. Physical bodies on this radioactive level show behaviour that we call
territorial as among animals. They stamp their possessions, leave marks to denote
their territory, they take without asking, they have an extremely strong magnetism
to draw to themselves what they want and they can energetically overrule the will
of electromagnetic bodies.
Frightening? Only if you refuse to look into the mirror and see yourself!